Progress Note

Imagine you saw this consumer 1 day for a visit, and write a progress note about what you did.

Progress Note for Claireece Precious Jones

Baseline - Consumer currently does not attend any support groups. 
Goal - Consumer will learn to utilize support groups once a week over the next 6 months. 

INTERVENTION: Traveled to consumer's residence at a halfway house in Harlem, New York. Met with consumer to discuss use of support groups and how they can provide mental health support. Walked over to a nearby local library together with her to utilize the internet in their computer lab. Looked at support group organization websites (i.e. NAMI-NY & Recovery International) together to find out the time and place for the meetings. Member had specific questions about what she should do to prepare for these meetings - provided answers to questions. Assigned homework for member to attend the upcoming support group meeting for Recovery International & NAMI Connections. Then after the meeting, requested that she journal about her experiences at the meetings. Following session with consumer, returned to clinic. 

RESPONSE: Member was hesitant but open to the idea of attending the upcoming support group meetings suggested. She asked specific questions which insinuates that she has been thinking about the process. She was engaged in the session and appeared hopeful to know that help is available and that she is not struggling alone. 

PLAN: Member agreed to (1) attend the upcoming Recovery International & NAMI Connections support group meetings, and (2) journal about her experiences at both of those meetings. Meet next on 04/17/14 to discuss how she liked or didn't like the support group meetings. Following session will involve rewarding member's efforts for attending support group meetings.