Case Manager Goals

As a case manager, what would your goals be to help this consumer? 

Goals I would have for Precious are... 
  • To attend support groups to try out to find community & comfort with individuals at her age-level who have experienced similar life problems. The hope is that these support group meetings serve as a safe place where Precious can open up and talk about her issues openly.
  • To find a mental health clinic she can walk into to get her the help she needs and develop coping skills for her mental health recovery. 
  • To continue her education at the alternative school that she currently attends to get her G.E.D. and go to college.
  • To motivate herself to exercise and introduce a healthy diet into her life.
  • To find medical services that would help her look into helping her with her being HIV+. 
  • To eventually find her own apartment and be able to raise her 2 children.